Algorithmic Robotics & Control Lab @ Rutgers

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At the Algorithmic Robotics and Control Lab (ARC-L), led by Dr. Jingjin Yu, we are broadly interested in understanding the optimality structures induced by practical problems in robotics/control, and exploiting the gained insight to develop efficient algorithms for tackling these problems with provable guarantees, e.g., on solution optimality. The tools we use/develop include classical combinatorial algorithms and data-driven AI/ML methods. Currently, research at ARC-L explores domains spanning multi-robot path/motion planning, object rearrangement/manipulation, multi-sensor deployment, and sensor fusion.

Dr. Jingjin Yu is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at Rutgers University at New Brunswick. He obtained my Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Illinois working with Steven M. LaValle. Prior to joining Rutgers, Dr. Yu spent two years as a postdoctoral researcher at MIT working Daniela Rus with the first year split at Boston University with Mac Schwager. Dr. Yu also stayed briefly at the Coordinated Science Laboratory at the University of Illinois as a postdoctoral researcher, working with Soon-Jo Chung and Petros G. Voulgaris. He completed his undergraduate study at the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC).

Dr. Yu is a recipient of the NSF CAREER Award and the Amazon Research Award in Robotics. His Erdős number is at its limit of 2.


08/2024 - One paper, as a continuation of the earlier AAAI effort, is accepted by WAFR 2024.
08/2024 - Dr. Yu will serve as an editor for ICRA 2025.
07/2024 - One paper accepted by JAIR.
06/2024 - One paper (in collaboration with Prof. Boularias’s group) accepted by IROS 2024.
05/2024 - One paper (led by Prof. Xuebo Zhang’s group at Nankai) accepted by RA-L.
02/2024 - Three papers accepted by ICRA 2024.
12/2023 - One paper accepted by AAAI 2024. The technical work was done mostly by a DIMACS REU, Marcus Gozon, when he was a rising junior.
08/2023 - Dr. Yu will serve as an editor for ICRA 2024.
07/2023 - Dr. Yu gave an invited talk, “Multi-Robot Path Planning on Grids: Computing O(1)-Optimal Solutions in Polynomial Time”, at the University of Science and Technology of China.
06/2023 - Five papers accepted by IROS 2023.
03/2023 - A puzzle game app based on our multi-robot path planning research is now available for iOS and Android.
02/2023 - Dr. Yu gave a keynote talk, “Stack Rearrangement, Rubik Tables, and Multi-Robot Routing”, in the 2023 AAAI Workshop on Multi-Agent Path Finding (online).
02/2023 - An extension to our RSS 2021 paper on the pick-n-swap manipulation primitive is accpted by IJRR. The online version is available at this permanent link.
01/2023 - Four papers accepted by ICRA 2023 (3 ICRA + 1 RA-L).
01/2023 - Dr. Yu will serve as an associated editor for the International Journal of Robotics Research.
12/2022 - Dr. Yu will serve as an RAS Distinguished Lecture starting from January 2023. A multi-part lecture on multi-robot path planning is planned for the first half of 2023. Stay tuned!
11/2022 - Dr. Yu gave an invited talk, “Rubik Tables, Stack Rearrangement, and Multi-Robot Routing”, in the TAU CG/Robotics Seminar series (online).
10/2022 - Dr. Yu gave an invited talk, “Planning for Many Robots and Objects”, at MBZUAI (online).
09/2022 - Dr. Yu gave an invited talk, “Rubik Tables, Stack Rearrangement, and Multi-Robot Routing”, at the 2022 Allerton Conference.
08/2022 - Rutgers CS hit #1 in robotics in the entire world, according to CSRankings 1-year ranking.
06/2022 - Four papers accepted by IROS 2022.
06/2022 - One paper accepted by CCCG 2022.
06/2022 - Dr. Yu gave an invited talk, titled “Multi-Robot Path Planning on Graphs”, at the Nankai International AI and Robotics forum.
04/2022 - One paper accepted by RSS 2022.
03/2022 - Dr. Yu gave an invited talk at the Rutgers ECE Efficient AI (EFAI) seminar series.
03/2022 - One paper accepted by ICAPS 2022.
02/2022 - Six papers accepted by ICRA 2022.

earlier updates

Legacy Group Website

If you are looking for old code and/or the microMVP micro-vehicle platform, you may check out our old webpage, no longer updated after 07/2021.

Prospective Students

We always look to working with motivated prospective students interested in fundamental and/or applied research in robotics. If you are interested in joining the ARC Lab, please read some of our recent papers and let Dr. Yu know why you find them interesting, what are some of the limitations, and how you would go about doing the work better. Generic inquries about “positions” at the lab will not be answered; in particular, saying some of our work is interesting without providing details is a red flag.